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Upcoming events:

A Safer Sky for Migratory Birds: A Night of Art & Advocacy

See the event invitation!

Online ticket sales has ended, there will be a limited amount of tickets available at the door.

If you are not attending our fundraising event, but would like to donate to our Safer Sky campaign, use the button below:


Join us for the 1st Annual Chicago Bird Collision Monitors (CBCM) Fundraiser

Saturday, February 22, 2025 6-9pm

1328 W. Randolph, Chicago, IL 60607

Get directions

By sponsoring our 1st Annual Fundraiser, you will directly contribute to a safer environment for migratory birds.

Your support will help us:

Reinforce our rescue efforts by covering essential transportation, parking and supply expenses.

Maintain a year-round helpline to address growing rescue needs.

Continue advocating for bird-friendly building design and practices.

Educate the public on bird protection and conservation.

Document the scope and nature of bird collisions to inform conservation strategies.

Become a hero for our feathered friends!

We offer a variety of sponsorship packages with valuable benefits, including brand exposure and community engagement.

Sponsorship Packages

NORTHERN FLICKER sponsor: $5000

Honoring the Northern Flicker: A beloved, colorful and boisterous woodpecker, the Northern Flicker is often drawn to reflective surfaces, leading to fatal collisions. (Migration distance: 2000 miles)

Sponsorship includes:

-Premier event sponsor

-6 complimentary event tickets

-Prominent recognition on signage at event, in event program and on the event social media page

-3 signed commemorative posters featuring the artwork of Tony Fitzpatrick

-3 commemorative CBCM T-shirts

-Recognition at the event

AMERICAN WOODCOCK sponsor: $2500

Honoring the American Woodcock: This “forestchicken” or “timberdoodle” can eat its weight in earthworms every day and flies to the southern US to find unfrozen soil in the winter for foraging. (Migration Distance: 870 miles)

Sponsorship includes:

-4 complimentary event tickets

-Prominent recognition on signage at the event, in event program and the event social media page

-2 signed commemorative posters featuring the artwork of Tony Fitzpatrick

-2 commemorative CBCM T-shirts

-Recognition at the event

SWAINSON’S THRUSH sponsor: $1000

Honoring the Swainson’s Thrush: This long-distance migrant, typically flying 2000 miles each spring and fall and crossing the Gulf of Mexico during their fall migration to Central America, frequently has their long journey cut short by fatal window strikes.

Sponsorship includes:

-2 complimentary event tickets

-Recognition in event program

-2 signed commemorative posters featuring the artwork of Tony Fitzpatrick

-2 commemorative CBCM T-shirts

-Recognition at the event


Honoring the Ruby-throated Hummingbird: Weighing in at 2-6 grams (less than a nickel), the ruby-throated hummingbird migrates thousands of miles round trip each year. Glass buildings pose a significant danger to these tiny migrants.

Sponsorship includes:

-2 complimentary event tickets

-Recognition in event program

-One signed commemorative poster featuring the artwork of Tony Fitzpatrick

-One commemorative CBCM T-shirt

Tickets only available at the door


Chicago Bird Collision Monitors (CBCM) is an 501(c)(3) bird conservation organization.

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