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Spring migration monitoring has begun.

Please call 773 456 2473 to register or with questions!

Note! If less than 3 people sign up for a training session - the session may be rescheduled and the below training dates are for joining a downtown monitoring team only.

Additional training sessions may be offered. Dates/locations will be posted here.

Training Sessions

CBCM volunteers who are involved with bird rescues must participate in a training session in order to learn proper bird capture, containment and transport techniques. Training sessions are held each year prior to spring and fall bird migration.

Attend one of these upcoming Training Sessions:

March 23 20251 to 3 PM Peggy Notebaert Museum, 2430 N. Cannon Dr
March 26 20257 to 9 PM 1328 W. Randolph
March 30 20251 to 3 PM Peggy Notebaert Museum, 2430 N. Cannon Dr
April 6 20251 to 3 PM Peggy Notebaert Museum, 2430 N. Cannon Dr
April 9 20257 to 9 PM 1328 W. Randolph

For further information:
email us at info@birdmonitors.net.

Chicago Bird Collision Monitors (CBCM) is an 501(c)(3) bird conservation organization.

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