Get Involved! Help CBCM Help the Birds!
There are many ways for volunteers to contribute. Participate in bird rescue, bird transport, public outreach, or fundraising. Previous experience with birds is not required. All that is necessary is a sincere desire to help birds that have come into harm's way.
Fill out this form volunteer information.
Also if you want to be a downtown monitor, register for a training session to learn more.

Join a monitoring team that patrols for injured birds downtown between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in Spring and Fall.

Become a building monitor for an area where you work or live in downtown Chicago.

Transport injured birds from downtown to wildlife rehabilitation centers in the western suburbs.

Respond to hotline calls for injured birds found downtown and other parts of the Chicago area.

Talk to the public about bird safety at CBCM programs and tabled events.
When you help CBCM you know you've given birds in need a second chance!!